B2B Technology Solutions CCPA Request Form
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Request to Know / Delete
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants California residents specific rights regarding their personal information. If you are a California resident and wish to submit a Request to Know or Request to Delete the personal information held by B2B Technology Solutions, please complete and submit the form below.
Request Type:
- Request to Know
- Request to Delete
Submitter Information:
- Myself
- On behalf of another person
Personal Information:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Email:
- Telephone Number:
- Street Address:
- City:
- Zip Code:
Please verify your email.
After completing this form, you will receive an automated email from our privacy compliance vendor, Securiti, Inc. Please enter the code provided to verify your identity as the proper account holder and to complete your form submission. Our team will review your submission, initiate a search of our databases, and verify your identity by matching the provided data. You can expect a response to your request within 45 days.
I, [Your Full Name], declare under penalty of perjury that I am a California resident. The information provided in this application is correct, and I am the person to whom it relates. I understand that attempting to obtain personal data to which I am not entitled is a legal offense.
- [Your Full Name]
Date: [Current Date]
Please note that submitting a false request or attempting to obtain unauthorized personal data is a legal offense. We take privacy seriously and will diligently review and process your request in compliance with the CCPA regulations.

A global leader in technology marketing and demand creation, B2B Technology Solutions offers a comprehensive range of performance-driven B2B lead generation solutions, including intent and install-based targeting, account-based marketing, and content marketing.
Quick Links
- contact@b2btechnologysolutions.com
- +1 973-968-5062